The Saints

“To be saints is not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone.”
[Pope Francis]

In the Apostles Creed which we profess at Mass and during the Rosary, we say that we believe in the communion of Saints. The catechism of the Church states that because the faithful all form one body, then the good of each is communicated to others, therefore there must be a kind of communion of goods in the Church, where the most important member is Christ who is the head. The catechism uses the term ‘a cloud of witnesses’ to describe those who have preceded us into the kingdom. When these witnesses have entered the joy of their Master, Our Lord, they were put in charge of many things. Thus, their intercession is their most exalted service to God’s plan.

The Saints are like you and me, they lived like us and were also broken like us – sinners. But they kept striving for holiness and the witness of their life is an example of this. We should form friendships, get to know them and most importantly ask them to pray for us and our own strive for holiness, to be faithful and obedient to God and His plans for us.

At the parish, we have a number of Saints that we regularly call upon and have special devotions to – including: