Where is God calling you to? Do you dare to care for the sick and the poor?
The Order of the Ministers of the Infirm (Camilllians) is a religious order of men dedicated to the apostolate to the sick. We are uniquely committed to the health care world by transmitting the Gospel values in the health care system through the expression of our fourth vow: serving the sick with compassion and serving them even at the risk of one’s life.
We Camillians are identified with a big red cross on our habit.
Our Patron
St Camillus de Lellis, who founded the Order in 1582, is the universal Patron of the Sick, Hospitals, and Healthcare Workers. He passed on a great legacy founding a “new school of charity” in the humanisation of the healthcare system.
more information
Camillian Vocation Australia Trifold Brochure
For enquiries and interests, contact Fr Renante (Rey) Sentillas, Vocation Director of the Camillians in Australia via email camillianvocationaustralia@gmail.com or call (02) 9557 1181.